You have tried…

Meal kits

Personal Training


Cleanse / Juice / Protein Shakes


Belly Fat

Flat Butt

Flabby Arms

Jiggly Legs and Butt

Do you get the feeling
something is missing??

There IS!! And it is not another gimmicky program claiming fast results for:

You’ve tried all those programs. You were dedicated and did EXACTLY what they said to do every step of the way.If it was a 30-day booty challenge, you did all 30 days to a T and you still no booty!

You are as committed to obtaining your body goals as you are everything else in your life but you still can’t seem to get results you are looking for.

Commitment ≠ results

You’re frustrated.

You feel disappointed.

You are starting to doubt if the goal is too high.  Maybe everyone is right after all.  They are always saying you have unrealistic expectations.  You Look Great!  What are you complaining about?

But deep down you want to get that stubborn area looking the way you have always wanted.  Why should you have to settle for less when it comes to your body? You don’t settle in other areas right?

You know the things others are doing and they do not work for you.  You are driven to deeper levels and have higher expectations than most.  You’ve reached levels of success on your own, but you need help to reach this goal. They don’t call it stubborn areas because they are easy to get rid of!

Are you ready to find the missing piece?

This piece is the piece that ties your commitment to your results

Commitment = results


Hi, I am  Tracy Brock.

I have spent over 20 years in the health and wellness industry as a dietitian and personal trainer.  I not only work in the field, but I have also been a consumer of diet and fitness products and information over the years.  I have lived the frustration just like you when the next thing I tried along with my dedication didn’t produce all the results I was looking for.  Because quite frankly I have super high expectations for myself and I want my body the way I want it…regardless of limitations, injuries, or my age! 

You might think because I work in the industry it is easy for me.  You couldn’t be farther from the truth!   I have over come an eating disorder, anxiety and many life changing stresses and physical injuries that got in the way of my health and fitness goals. 

Even with all my education and experience, I had to find a different way to get results.   All the conventional programs just didn’t get the job done for me.

I designed this program for women like me.  Women who are driven.  Committed to following through even when they don’t feel like it.  Women who want a tribe who walks the same walk with the same level of commitment and drive.  And women who believe they can choose to look the way they want even if that “trouble spot” doesn’t trouble anyone else! 

 I just did this fun photo shoot at 50!!  Many of them are too revealing to share here.  You may never want to do something like this.  But to be this comfortable in your own skin is priceless!  THIS IS WHY I created What The Hell!  To help women like you crush your goals and thrive!

Play Video

Does this sound like you:

The one everyone looks to to plan the get togethers, dinners, or vacations?   You keep all the balls in the air no matter how many there seem to be.  The one who keeps everyone on track and accountable.  The one who seems to be responsible for everything…

My What The Hell program is designed to:




LET ME help you get RESULTS

Here is what I am going to do
for you through my What the hell program:


Mindset shifting Exercises provided via private text group 5 days a week

Mindset shifting works to




More bonus!!!

What you will walk away with

This program is not for everyone!

I only want women who are willing to completely commit to the process.  To do things differently.  WTH is limited to 10 personally selected women to maintain the integrity of commitment required in the program. 

Required by you

Agree to What The Hell for 6 months, understanding there is no quick weight loss or instant results

100% “All in” attitude and dedication to the group and yourself

Willingness and openness to embrace NEW concepts that lead to success and ultimately help you reach your goals

Book your free program consultation to get started

© 2021 Tracy Brock. All Rights Reserved.